CHF 60.00
Valiente causes a sensation every time he is on the show. Their movements fighting canvas flush, spoke about of a man who have a lot of hours training at the gym. He conquered the World Belt CMLL Trios with Mascara Dorada and Místico. They are called "The Masters of the Air".
Producer: CMLL
Origin: México
Weight: 90 Kg
Height: 1,70
Categorie: Técnico ("Good Guy")
Price includes 7,7% VAT (MwSt.)
CHF 60.00
La Mascara comes from one of the largest and most important dynasties of wrestling worldwide, that of "Arms" ("Los Brazos"). Son of Jesus Alvarado Nieves, better known as Golden Arm ("Brazo de Oro. The athletic fighter has been twice World Champion Triplets of CMLL.
Producer: CMLL
Origin: México
Weight: 92 Kg
Height: 1,75
Categorie: Técnico ("Good Guy")
Price includes 7,7% VAT (MwSt.)